
Showing posts from June, 2006

VBScript to Set your SMS 2003 Advanced Client Site Code

Simple script to change site code on a client. ----Begin VBScript ---- On Error Resume Next 'Your site code goes here siteCode = " xyz " Dim oSMSClient Set oSMSClient = CreateObject ("Microsoft.SMS.Client") If Err.Number 0 Then WScript .quit End If oSMSClient . SetAssignedSite siteCode Set oSMSClient =Nothing ----End VBScript ----

SMS and Corrupted IIS Metabase

I've had to use a little known SMS Corrupted Metabase fix on many occasions, thanks to Marcus Oh and his SMS (and other stuff) blog.

VBScript to check if the SMS service is Installed

Recently I wsa asked how to check if SMS is installed, while there are many ways to do this, I wanted to look for the CCMExec service. This way if SMS is installed by its WMI classes are not there, we still get a true. Alternatives could be to look for the SMS WMI Classes or Add/Remove programs. ----Begin VBScript---- IF IsSMSInstalled = True Then WScript.Echo "You have SMS Installed" Else WScript.Echo "SMS Service Not Found" End If Function IsSMSInstalled() Dim oService On Error Resume Next Set oService = GetObject("winmgmts:root/cimv2:Win32_Service.Name='CcmExec'") If Err = 0 Then IsSMSInstalled = True On Error GoTo 0 Set oService = Nothing End Function ----End VBScript---- Have a different way to check for SMS? Post a comment!