
Showing posts from September, 2006

Setting up a Role in SMS for Specific Collections

SMS Rights are a pain to work with. (don't think so? Well then stop reading!) For instance, Giving a user or group rights for specific collections, becomes a tricky situation (I say this because rights are not inherited, so when you try to create roles with less than super admin access, it gets sticky. Role for a specific collection, or set of collections. Assign class rights for the following: Advertise, Create, Manage Folders, and Delegate. Assign the following instance rights for the collections you wish the role to have access to: Read, Modify, Delete. (Each collection, and one of those collections must contain some computers!) If you do this with a hierarchy for example, you would have the top level collection with the computers which the role can manage. Then anyone in that role can manage only that collection of computers. Every time they make a new collection, they will be forced to limit their query to that top level collection with the computers in it. If necessary, r...

SQL Function to take an IP and return the class B

Creates a SQL function to take an IP and return the class B. There's probably a better way to do this, if you've got one, I'd love to see it. Comment out the second "Set @returnIp" to return a Class C. ----Begin SQL ---- SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS OFF GO CREATE FUNCTION dbo.getClassB(@Ip varchar (16)) RETURNS varchar (16) AS BEGIN Declare @ returnIp varchar (16) Set @ returnIp = Reverse(Right(Reverse(@IP),Len(Reverse(@IP)) - Charindex('.',Reverse(@IP)))) Set @ returnIp = Reverse(Right(Reverse(@returnIp),Len(Reverse(@returnIp)) - Charindex('.',Reverse(@returnIp)))) return @ returnIp END GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO ----End SQL ----

VBScript to Show Patch Status on a Windows Client using Win32_PatchState_Extended

There are many Win32 classes in Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI). The following vbscript shows you patches and their status from the Win32_PatchState_Extended Class. You can also use this same code and query the Win32_PatchState class, however it's no longer used for the new Microsoft Scan tool (it uses PatchState_Extended). ---- Begin VBScript ---- 'On Error Resume Next Declare Count Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2") Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Patchstate_Extended",,48) 'Set the Count to Zero Count = 0 'Loop through the collection of Win32_PatchState_Extended items For Each objItem in colItems 'Echo out the properties for each item Wscript.Echo "AuthorizationName: " & objItem.AuthorizationName Wscript.Echo "Title: " & objItem.Title Wscript.Echo "QNumbers: " & objItem.QNumbers Wscript.Echo "RebootType: " & objItem.RebootType Wscr...

SMS SQL to view the Database Schema

Microsoft doesn't support direct access to the SMS Database, however from time to time you may need to query the db directly from SQL . To view the schema, the following SQL comes in handy. ---- Begin SQL ---- --This query will show all the views in the SMS db SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.VIEWS WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = ' dbo ' ----End SQL ----

VBScript to query WMI for Chassis Type

Use Chasis type when you need to figure out what kind of computer it is, laptop, desktop, pizza box, lamp, etc. Sure, you can definately build an SMS Collection based on inventory using the chassis type. Then you can manage your laptops differently, and with download execute, proper cache management, and a little bit of hot sauce, you've got some good eats. ----Begin VBScript---- strComputer = "." Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _ & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2") Set colChassis = objWMIService.ExecQuery _ ("Select * from Win32_SystemEnclosure") For Each objChassis in colChassis For Each strChassisType in objChassis.ChassisTypes Select Case strChassisType Case 1 Wscript.Echo "Other" Case 2 Wscript.Echo "Unknown" Case 3 Wscript.Echo "Desktop" Case 4 Wscript.Echo "Low Profile Desktop" Case 5 Wscript.Echo "Pizza Box" Case 6 Wscr...