VBScript to query WMI for Chassis Type

Use Chasis type when you need to figure out what kind of computer it is, laptop, desktop, pizza box, lamp, etc.

Sure, you can definately build an SMS Collection based on inventory using the chassis type. Then you can manage your laptops differently, and with download execute, proper cache management, and a little bit of hot sauce, you've got some good eats.

----Begin VBScript----
strComputer = "."
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
& "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
Set colChassis = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
("Select * from Win32_SystemEnclosure")
For Each objChassis in colChassis
For Each strChassisType in objChassis.ChassisTypes
Select Case strChassisType
Case 1
Wscript.Echo "Other"
Case 2
Wscript.Echo "Unknown"
Case 3
Wscript.Echo "Desktop"
Case 4
Wscript.Echo "Low Profile Desktop"
Case 5
Wscript.Echo "Pizza Box"
Case 6
Wscript.Echo "Mini Tower"
Case 7
Wscript.Echo "Tower"
Case 8
Wscript.Echo "Portable"
Case 9
Wscript.Echo "Laptop"
Case 10
Wscript.Echo "Notebook"
Case 11
Wscript.Echo "Handheld"
Case 12
Wscript.Echo "Docking Station"
Case 13
Wscript.Echo "All-in-One"
Case 14
Wscript.Echo "Sub-Notebook"
Case 15
Wscript.Echo "Space Saving"
Case 16
Wscript.Echo "Lunch Box"
Case 17
Wscript.Echo "Main System Chassis"
Case 18
Wscript.Echo "Expansion Chassis"
Case 19
Wscript.Echo "Sub-Chassis"
Case 20
Wscript.Echo "Bus Expansion Chassis"
Case 21
Wscript.Echo "Peripheral Chassis"
Case 22
Wscript.Echo "Storage Chassis"
Case 23
Wscript.Echo "Rack Mount Chassis"
Case 24
Wscript.Echo "Sealed-Case PC"
Case Else
Wscript.Echo "Unknown"
End Select
----End VBScript----

Pasted from


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